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Bee The Move is seeking investors in Asia

Bee The Move (BTM) is a community review platform based on collective intelligence and artificial intelligence. It allows you to easily solicit your community to get their opinions and preferences. For this, each of the publications have avoting cursor, allowing your community to share their preferences or opinions. And a timer allowing you to indicate the desired voting time according to the urgency of your request.

It is available on both Android (ranked #1 Trending on Google Play) and iOS (ranked #20 Social Network), supports English and French languages.

“Bee The Move is a global and specialized platform that will surely please both individuals and professionals.”


BTM is an exciting project that Titops team has worked with since 2018. Now, BTM wishes to seek investors to extend the market in Asia. Here are the pitch deck & executive summary of Bee The Move.

For further queries, please contact: Mr. Olivier Narayanin <olivier.narayanin@bee-the-move.com>

Pitch Deck

Executive summay

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